Case 6: Crush Injury Face

Dear Readers I hope this is not too gory for you because I had not seen a real eyeball popping out of its socket in somebody alive. Let me tell you what happened that day...There was a call from casualty that a Facial trauma patient needs urgent attention and also…


Case 3: Squamous Cell Carcinoma Palate

It was one of my earlier patients as Consultant Maxillofacial Surgeon. This 40year old man was referred by a Dentist friend for the chief complaint of Non Healing Ulcer on palate. The patient gave history of Tabacco Chewing and Smoking since 7 years. Clinically it was a superficial ulcer on…


Maxillofacial Surgeons

Who is a Maxillofacial Surgeon? Maxillofacial Or FacioMaxillary Surgeons are clinicians who have the ideal skill set to optimally manage the entire spectrum of head and neck and CranioMaxilloFacial (Head, Jaws & Face) problems in a unique manner that is most beneficial to the patient. This unique skillset is acquired…